Thursday, March 27, 2008

Runner's High

Rosebank is pretty high up. If you're driving from pretty much anywhere, you have to go uphill to get here. Since my commute is from daar anderkant die M1 highway, I have run to work up Glenhove and it is a killer. It just goes on and on, up and up, with everyone gawking at you in their cars. The problem is when you are in Rosebank proper, you feel like the guy in Enemy of the State - that you have to dodge traffic, that their is a national conspiracy to KILL you.

I'd like to cycle and run to work, but until there are more people like me (so that I'd have reasonable safety in numbers), I guess I'm gonna have to guzzle gas, sit like a lazy arse in traffic, mumbling and grumbling, going nowhere slowly.

Meanwhile, it would benefit us to consider running to work (if you like 7km or less from work), as this article from the New York Times illustrates:

Yes, Running Can Make You High

With everything that's going on, everyone who runs to work I think deserves a medal.

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