Instead of having one super sensitive customised message, instead of tip toeing around the subject there should be a dozen different messages:
1) the offensivve shocking mass murderer concept [I get that personally]
2] the educational ad [which some intelligent people will get, but many cool hip youngsters will snore through
3] the brutal truth ad, showing gritty footage of actual AIDS sufferers in their final hours [should work for all]
4] the AIDS sufferers themselves, looking healthy, saying effectively: We're just like you, don't discriminate, but please be careful if you're HIV negative
5] A complaint that SA is the rape capital of the world
6] A complaint that movies and media fan the flame of sexual appetites, and don't make condom use and AIDS part of the culture enough [some soapies aside]
7] Newsy updates on AIDS stats - deaths, infections, medical progress, if any...
8] The soapie schpiel showing how easy it can worm its way into our lives via conventional [ignorant] human behaviors.
Have more suggestions but running out of space.
Bottom line, with a disease killing millions, can you ever say TOO much? My perception is AIDS communications barely reach my radar, and THAT'S the problem. Too little is being transmitted.
What do our campaigns say? Pretty much nothing. I |
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