Thursday, May 1, 2008

President for a day…

Watching the current Presidential Candidate debacle going on in the US has me hearing all sorts of promises of “When I am President, I will. …. “

This got me thinking. What would I do in South Africa if I was a President for a day?

So here are some of my thoughts:

Build more courts and at least 1 extra prison per province. One of the reasons we have a crime problem is that the courts and prisons are overcrowded.

Use Clause 36 (Limitation of rights) in terms of those in prison – anyone in prison would not be allowed to vote, sit around watching tv etc. (In the USA, if you commit murder etc, you lose the right to vote forever, any minor crime – which is 3 or less year sentence – you lose the right to vote until you have completed your sentence and any parole if applicable)

Labour Laws:
Any public service official caught in act of bribery, dishonesty etc will have an automatic dismissal.

Any business that is caught with lights on when there are no staff members at work will be fined heavily.
Any minicipality caught with street lights on etc during the day will also be fined – such fine will not be allowed to come out of extra increases in prices to the public.

Child grants will be reduced from 6 children to 3 for any person who gives birth from that day on, this will stop the young people of today having 6 children to claim R180 a child. It will also reduce the stress on the school system with less children needing to be educated.

These are just a few of my ideas, why don’t you add your ideas into the comment box.


Nick said...

I'd like more than a day to be president. But I'd do plenty:
1) Resuscitate our railway systems
2) Make massive investments into farming, especially mobilising the rural poor to intensify our farming practises
3)Fast track wind farms and work towards more initiatives in solar heating for homes
4) Quadruple the number of the countries public busses in service
5) Kill the taxi industry
6) Re-introduce corporal punishment (aka discipline) in schools and capital punishment in civil law. Capital punishment only applied in the most extreme cases (repeat offenders, multiple murders)
7) Promote veganism in the media
Education, Health, Eskom, Roads, Water and the Police services also need to be overhauled.

I can hear a lot people going: "Well thank God he's NOT the president."

Abby said...

Comments on your President for a day.

Railway systems:
That would be great. It was really sad to see the Boon train disappear last year because Spoornet decided to pull Boon's licence (

Could you also teach people not to torch trains when they are unhappy?

Great idea

Wind Farms:
Excellent Idea. I know Investec financed a wind farm (I think overseas) so perhaps they would look into more windfarms here - particularly on the west coast.

The Joburg Metro Bus is great - and we need more of them, and we should make a bus lane which will be faster than car lane and then see how many ppl will use the busses! I would!

Taxi Industry: Amen! ;-)

Discpline: So desperately needed at school and at home!

Veganism: Well what are you waiting for?
