Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2009 and Beyond
I once read that not a shred of evidence exists in favour of the idea that life is serious. A tenet that, after much thought, compelled me to re-think my priorities and concerns. And given all the pessimism permeating our air-waves, printed media and the populace in general, a tenet that has helped me develop an optimistic view of life, but an optimism that remains grounded in reality and hard-learnt life experiences – whether one sees a half-full glass or a half-empty glass, one still only gets a half glass of whatever.
Overall, 2008 was a year of note. It was a year where many opportunities came-a-knocking, where many initiatives were completed to their logical conclusions and where many disappointments were contended with. It was also a year where many lessons were learnt, where problems were faced, where frustrations were tempered and where challenges were defeated.
When all is said and done, here I stand, knowing that irrespective of what was thrown my way by the machinations of life, I surmounted all obstacles standing tall…and with a smile on my face.
As for 2009, who knows, but given my record at surmounting impossible odds, I am confident that the future will find me at the helm of my life, pedal to the metal.
Here’s to a kick-ass 2009 and beyond.
ALERT: National Weather Warning for SA [FIRE AND HEAVY FALLS]
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
GM comes up with Ginormously Stupid Plan
This sounds like the auto version of the housing idiocy. If you are going to insist on being so utterly stupid with money (and other people's money) the country should bankrupt itself any day now. Officially I mean.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
OPEC will slash supply by a record 2 million barrels
Monday, December 15, 2008
Holiday temptations you don't have to resist
It may also help lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels. Cloves can kill bacteria and calm inflammation, which has been linked to heart disease.
[Click on the link below for 8 more...]
Moderate drinking (defined as no more than two drinks a day for men younger than 65, and one drink a day for women or men older than 65) is linked with lower risk for heart disease, stroke, gallstones and diabetes. However, it’s what’s in the glass that counts.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Kunstlercast - listen HERE
-- Columbia Journalism Review
"...the KunstlerCast delivers the goods, with inspired rants on a variety of subjects related to American places (and non-places) and the coming peak oil reality."
You can subscribe by using this link:
I believe a lot of people share my feelings about the tragic landscape of highway strips, parking lots, housing tracts, mega-malls, junked cities, and ravaged countryside that makes up the everyday environment where most Americans live and work.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Hybrid Bicycles - WOW!
NVDL: Instead of hybrid-ising cars (already a drain on resources, why NOT upscale bicycles?
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NVDL: It kind've works like a heart rate monitor.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
'The Day the Earth Stood Still'
The Dark Knight DVD available now for rental - buy it or rent it but make sure you get it!
Buy it for R150/$15 (or give it to your man for Christmas). Or rent it for R25/$2.50. Either way, make sure you get some of that Dark Magic this Christmas.
Why are gasoline prices so low? And why do they continue to drop?
NVDL: Oil price collapse alludes to the collapsing of the global economic apparatus, including the widespread and massive loss of wealth, entire industries (airlines, banks, automakers) and all the jobs associated with those industries.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Guns for Gifts - A GREAT Idea!